Team Development
Our View on Team
We believe that teamwork is not something accomplished overnight, but is rather built through learned actions that are complementary and mutually reinforcing. Our team development techniques teach individuals how to work towards a common goal and exponentially magnify their efforts. These learned behaviors make it possible for the team to produce products or concepts that could not have been generated by working independently. This shift from an individual to a collective force is what we believe team development is all about.
How Will My Team Benefit?
Theories of team development and group dynamics try to convey the excitement, empowerment and growth generated by a fully functioning team. However, human behavior is infinitely more complex than any theory! A team’s potential is often limited by the constraints within its members, real or imagined. Our programs help individuals reach outside of their comfort zone, and challenge group members to realize how their individual actions affect the overall team goals.
How Do We Help?
Leadership On The Move (LOTM) uses a simple formula. We believe that by designing our programs around the following three principles we can work to engage groups in their current states.
- Stay Safe
- Participate
- Have Fun!
It's just that simple! By allowing a group a safe environment both physically and emotionally to participate in fun and challenging initiatives it promotes natural team development through experiential learning. By using this method our facilitators are able to debrief and offer discussion points about your group's true dynamics. |